Â鶹´«Ã½¸ßÇå University | Center for Academic Success & Enrichment | Accommodated Testing


Accommodated Testing

The Accommodated Testing Center is an accessible environment where eligible students can complete examinations in a secure, distraction reduced environment. The testing center is a collaborative resource for instructors, students and staff. A member of the Academic Services team proctors examinations scheduled by the student and return completed exams to faculty members.

Contact Information

Romeoville Campus: 
Romeoville: Learning Resource Center
Room 342

Oak Brook Campus:
Oak Brook: 1111 W. 22nd Street
Suite 700 – Reception Desk
Phone: 630-573-0772
email: oakbrookcampus@lewisu.edu


To be eligible to use the Accommodated Testing Center, the student must be approved for testing accommodations through an interview process with the Learning Access Coordinator. Please review this handout for further information.

Common exam accommodations include (but are not limited to): extended time, distraction reduced testing environment, exams in alternative format, readers, scribes, assistive technology, use of a computer without internet access, adjustment to lighting, adjustable desks or chairs.


Accommodated Testing Center Overview & Information for Students

The Accommodated Testing Center is an accessible environment for you to complete exams, quizzes and tests. The testing center is a collaborative effort and relies on a strong partnership between you, your faculty and the staff here in Academic Services.

Exam Scheduling

Scheduling your exam is critical! Academic Services cannot proctor unscheduled, walk-in exams. Schedule your exam by using the online request form. When scheduling your exam keep the following in mind:

  • Include the name of the course, the instructor, the time that the class is taking the exam, and the time that you wish to schedule the exam.  

  • Exams are scheduled at the same time that the rest of the class is taking it. Taking an exam on the day before or after the actual testing day is not permitted. If necessary, an alternate time on the same day can be arranged.

  • Exams must be scheduled at least 48 business hours/2 business days in advance. See below:



  • Let your course instructor know you scheduled an exam in the Accommodated Testing Center. An instructor may not permit you to utilize the test center if the exam is not scheduled as outlined above or if you do not comply with test center policy/procedures.

  • Please mention any additional accommodations you receive other than extended time (such as an exam reader, need for special lighting, chairs, enlarged print, calculator, etc.) when scheduling.

Collecting the Exam

When you schedule your exam in the testing center the following takes place prior to confirming your exam is scheduled as requested:

  • Verification of student eligibility to use the testing center
  • Review of other relevant accommodations (scribe, assistive technology, lighting adjustments, etc.)
  • Confirmation of course meeting date/time and faculty member 

Once these steps are completed, Academic Services will let your faculty member know you have scheduled an exam. At that time, faculty are asked to submit a copy of the exam to Academic Services. Faculty submit an Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet with the exam which provides the Academic Services staff information on how to proctor your exam, including the amount of time students in-class are given to take the exam, what items are able to be brought into the testing center and any other specifications for proctoring.

Exam Check-In Procedures

Please arrive 5 minutes early to check in for your exam and be ready to complete the following steps:

  1. Show your student ID to the Academic Services staff member proctoring the exam.

  2. Place all items and materials that are not approved for use during the exam in the assigned locker. This includes hats, oversized sweatshirts, jackets, watches, calculator cases, water bottles with labels and any other items your faculty member indicates on the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. You can leave these items at home, if you prefer not to use a locker.Place your phone and any smart watches in the box behind the front desk. Please ensure all ringers are turned to silent.

  3. Complete a brief inspection process with the Academic Services staff proctor. This inspection will include looking over any materials going into the testing center, checking pockets and bulky clothing, checking long sleeve shirts and any other clothing that may be of potential concern.

Once the check-in process is complete the Academic Services staff proctor will let you know when it is time to go into the testing center.

Exam Proctoring & Academic Integrity

During the exam you will be monitored via camera by two professional staff members in Academic Services. If any suspicious behavior is observed the exam will be stopped and the Academic Services staff proctor will come into the Testing Center to do an additional inspection and talk with you. If there is any indication or question related to academic integrity the exam will not proceed and your faculty member will be notified. At that time, Academic Services will need faculty approval before rescheduling the exam.

If you need to take a break during your exam, please return to the main office with your exam. Please note:

  • You cannot access your cell phone or talk to peers during breaks.
  • If you take a bathroom break for over 10 minutes, the proctor may repeat check-in procedures. 
  • The clock does not stop during a bathroom break unless you have a special accommodation for this.

Emergency Procedures

If an emergency arises, the Academic Services staff proctor will inform you that there is an emergency that requires them to stop their exam (unless it is unsafe to do so). If this does happen during your exam, you are expected to follow directions of staff or emergency personnel. You will be asked to leave your exams in the testing center if evacuation is necessary. Depending on the nature of the emergency, you may or may not have access to your personal belongings (cell phones, book bags, etc.).

Final Exams

In order to accommodate all students, there may be changes to the normal final exam schedule. Please look out for announcements by email of potential changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I arrive late for an exam in the Testing Center?
Students who arrive more than 30 minutes late for an exam will not be allowed to start the exam without instructor permission.

Do I need to stay the entire time I am scheduled for their exam?
If the faculty notes you must stay on the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet you do need to stay the entire time. In most cases, once your exam is complete you can leave the testing center.

What can I bring with me in the Testing Center?
You can bring in the exam and any related items described by the faculty member in the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. Academic Services also offers a clock to allow you to keep time. Food or drink may be permitted, but will be inspected. Any required supplies, devices or equipment related to a disability or medical condition will be permitted in the testing center on a case-by-case basis. All items will be inspected. 

Can I use the restroom or take breaks during an exam?
Yes, you can use the restroom during an exam. Permission for breaks is determined by the faculty member on the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. In some cases, you may be entitled to breaks during an exam as a pre-approved accommodation.

What happens if I do not show up for my scheduled exam?
The faculty member will be notified and the exam will be returned as requested by the faculty member in the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet.

What if there is an incident of academic dishonesty?
If suspicion arises during an exam, the Academic Services staff proctor will come into the testing center to speak with you and complete an additional inspection. Your exam will not proceed if there is an incident of academic dishonesty. Any incidents or instances related to academic integrity will be documented and reported to the faculty and all appropriate areas within the university.

Can I tour the testing center?
Yes, we welcome you to tour the testing center! Please note tours can only be provided when the testing center is not in use.

Accommodated Testing Center Quick Facts

Spring 2019 Test Center Usage
Number of registered students with disabilities 207
Number of course instructors served 312
Student usage (number of students who utilized, including English Language Learners and special arrangements for Athletes): 127
Exams Scheduled 524
Exam Readers Scheduled 34
Exams with special equipment or assistive technology 12
Final Exams Scheduled 168

Fall 2018 Test Center Usage
Number of registered students with disabilities 199
Number of course instructors served 343
Student Usage 105
Exams Scheduled 572
Exam Readers Scheduled 25
Exams with special equipment or assistive technology 9
Final Exams Scheduled 167


Accommodated Testing Center Overview & Information for Instructors

The Accommodated Testing Center is an accessible environment for students to complete exams, quizzes and tests. The testing center is a collaborative effort and relies on a strong partnership between students, faculty and the staff in Academic Services. The testing center includes ten private rooms, ergonomic chairs, and options for lighting. The testing center also utilizes white noise machines to reduce distractions. Each testing room is equipped with a camera for monitoring.


Students become eligible to use the testing center after going through an intake meeting with the Learning Access Coordinator. Students are required to provide documentation to be eligible for accommodations. Student eligibility is based on both the documentation provided and the Learning Access Coordinator’s assessment from the intake meeting. In some cases, students in clinical programs meet additional eligibility requirements. To learn more, visit: .

Types of Testing Accommodations

Common exam accommodations include (but are not limited to): extended time, distraction reduced testing environment, exams in alternative format, readers, scribes, assistive technology, use of a computer without internet access, adjustment to lighting, and/or adjustable desks or chairs.

Exam Procurement

When a student schedules an exam in the testing center the following takes place prior to exam procurement:

  • Verification of student eligibility to use the testing center
  • Review of other relevant accommodations (scribe, assistive technology, lighting adjustments, etc.)
  • Confirmation of course meeting date/time and faculty member 

Once these steps are completed, faculty are notified via email that a student scheduled an exam. At that time, faculty are asked to submit a copy of the exam to Academic Services either in-person or via email (learningaccess@lewisu.edu).

Once an exam is received the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet is closely reviewed to ensure the exam can be proctored to the specifications of the faculty member. The exam is then placed in a secure envelope with any additional items (scantron, scratch paper, lined paper, etc.) and the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet is placed on the front of the envelope. Envelopes are stored in a secured cabinet.

Procurement of nursing exams is arranged by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Exam Check-In Procedures

Exams are proctored to the specifications outlined in the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. Students are asked to arrive five minutes before their scheduled exam time and have to show their student ID and complete the check-in process. Students must leave all materials that are not approved for use during the exam at home or use one of the lockers provided by Academic Services (including cell phones, watches/eyeglasses that access internet, other electronic devices, hats, backpacks, or bags). Prior to going into the testing room, the proctor inspects clothing, calculators (if approved), oversized sweatshirts, and pockets. Additionally, food or drink will be inspected at check-in time and may be approved or denied by the proctor.

Once the student check-in process is complete the student is directed to their assigned testing room. The student is given the exam and any related materials from the secure envelope once in the testing room.

Exam Proctoring & Academic Integrity

During the exam the student is monitored via camera by the Administrative Assistant and at least one other professional staff member in Academic Services. Each staff member in Academic Services has the monitoring software installed on their computer. Any incidents or instances related to academic integrity will be documented and reported to the faculty and all appropriate areas within the university.

When the exam is completed the student returns to the main office of Academic Services with the exam and the exam is placed back in the secure envelope. At that time, the staff in Academic Services ensure everything related to the exam is also in the envelope (scantron, notes pages, scratch paper, etc.) and sign and seal the envelope for return. When necessary, completed exams are returned to a secured cabinet until exam return is possible.  

Exam Return

Exams are returned using the return instructions provided by the faculty member on the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. Return of nursing exams is arranged by the College of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Exams can be returned in the following ways:

  1. Picked up by a faculty member or department representative.
    Exams will only be given to the person listed by the faculty member on the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. Anyone picking up an exam must show an ID and will need to sign for the exam.

  2. Returned by a student runner.
    Exams will be dropped off at the location listed by the faculty member on the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. Student runners track exam drop off location, date and time and, when applicable, the student runner will request the name of the person and a signature. Once an exam is dropped off it is no longer the responsibility of Academic Services.

  3. Returned via email.

Exam will be scanned by a professional staff member and sent directly to the email provided on the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. Scanned copies of exams are not kept or filed by Academic Services.

 Online Exams

  • Computers with Lockdown Browser software are available in the test center to administer online exams.
  • Contact the Academic Services office or the Faculty Center for instructions on how to extend the timer on a Blackboard exam, prior to the student’s test time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can access exams?
Professional staff and graduate assistants in Academic Services can access exams. If a faculty member selects a student runner as the return method for the exam, the student runner will also have access to the secured envelope with the exam.

What if a student arrives late for an exam in the Testing Center?
Students who arrive more than 30 minutes late for an exam will not be allowed to start the exam without instructor permission.

Does a student need to stay the entire time they are scheduled for their exam?
No, once an exam is complete the student can return the exam and leave the testing center.

What can students bring with them in the Testing Center?
Students can bring in the exam and any related items described by the faculty member in the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. Academic Services also offers a clock to allow students to keep time. Food or drink may be permitted, but will be inspected. Students requiring supplies, devices or equipment related to a disability or medical condition will be permitted to bring these items into the testing center on a case-by-case basis. All items will be inspected. 

Can students use the restroom or take breaks during an exam?
Yes, a student can use the restroom during an exam. Permission for breaks is determined by the faculty member on the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet. In some cases, students may be entitled to breaks during an exam as a pre-approved accommodation.

What happens if a student does not show up for their scheduled exam?
The faculty member will be notified and the exam will be returned as requested by the faculty member in the Accommodated Exam Instruction Sheet.

What if there is an incident of academic dishonesty?
Any incidents or instances related to academic integrity will be documented and reported to the faculty and all appropriate areas within the university.

Can I tour the testing center?
Yes, we welcome faculty and staff in the testing center! Please note tours can only be provided when the testing center is not in use.

Accommodated Testing Center Quick Facts

Spring 2019 Test Center Usage
Number of registered students with disabilities 207
Number of course instructors served 312
Student usage (number of students who utilized, including English Language Learners and special arrangements for Athletes): 127
Exams Scheduled 524
Exam Readers Scheduled 34
Exams with special equipment or assistive technology 12
Final Exams Scheduled 168

Fall 2018 Test Center Usage  
Number of registered students with disabilities 199
Number of course instructors served 343
Student Usage 105
Exams Scheduled 572
Exam Readers Scheduled 25
Exams with special equipment or assistive technology 9
Final Exams Scheduled 167
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